12 Charts and What Can They Teach Us About Post COVID-19 Buying Behavior

COVID-19 Crisis

12 Charts and What Can They Teach Us About Post COVID-19 Buying Behavior

We’re living in very strange times. We’ve been plunged into a new paradigm of living and no one quite knows what to expect next, not even our top experts. Now that many nations have apparently passed the peak of this pandemic, economic recovery is at the forefront of efforts. The question is: How will we navigate the post-COVID-19 era? Is there a new normal, or just a constantly changing landscape?  How have buying habits and consumer behavior changed, and are these trends that will continue for the foreseeable future? Nothing is certain, but we can glean some insights into how people react and change with such uncertainty through search and buying data. Our goal as businesses isn’t to take advantage of society at large during…