Dyntell Bi - How Well Do You Know Your Customers’ ‘Price Sensitivity’?


How Well Do You Know Your Customers’ ‘Price Sensitivity’?

Price sensitivity is a key measure in most industries, especially those with many competing products (FMCG, for instance). Price sensitivity is measured in the economic theory via price elasticity of the demand function. In other words, how demand for a given product is affected by a change in price. High elasticity means consumers are willing to purchase even with increased costs. Inelasticity, on the other hand, means even a small price bump will significantly reduce purchasing. What we want to find is the ‘equilibrium price’, the point where supply and demand meet to maximize revenue. There are many factors to consider when discussing price sensitivity: competition, uniqueness of the product(s), buying process, etc. Other things to consider could be shared cost, like when a group…

The 5 Best Charts for Every Sales Manager


The 5 Best Charts for Every Sales Manager

A lot of the hype surrounding data analysis with Business Intelligence (BI) software focuses on how useful it is for marketing teams, but these tools are actually invaluable for sales professionals, too. Data visualizations can be informative, guiding, and even motivational to a sales team when used effectively. Here are five examples of charts that every sales manager should be using to empower their team. Top Performers Every sales team can use a little competition, right? In fact, research conducted by the Harvard Business Review shows that public accountability, when done right, can motivate low performers. A simple line chart or bar graph indicating sales figures for the week, month, quarter, or year by individual salesperson can be a great way to foster a competitive…