Case Study

How will we feed 9.6 billion people?

  How will we feed 9.6 billion people? Increasing agricultural yield with BI With the UN predicting our world’s population to topple 9.6 billion in just over thirty years, the question of feeding our planet has become more urgent than ever. Climate change, continuous building and infrastructure growth have shrunk our allotment of arable land. Further, the USDA tells us that our food productivity growth is declining. For instance, grains and oilseeds growth dropped from 2.4% from 1970-1990 to 1.6% annually between 1990 and 2010, and this rate is predicted to be at 1.5% by 2021. How will we produce enough food to meet this voracious demand?   Many experts are now pointing to the dual approaches of the IoT (internet of things) and advanced…

Case Study

Less Work, More Money: Risk Mitigation with Streamlined Supply Chain Management

Your business creates a product — but your job is not just manufacturing. The parts that make up this product have to be acquired, stored, transported, assembled, and shipped to where they’re needed on time and within budget. You must be exhausted. And it’s not like you can ignore your supply chain and time-to-market strategies and hope for the best. After all, according to Deloitte, 79 percent of companies with high-performing supply chains achieve more revenue than their average competitors. In fact, the Logistics Bureau asserts that the supply chain is the least understood area of strategic business, generating up to 90 percent of overall business costs! If you’re looking for one area to focus your efforts at improving your business, supply chain management is…

Case Study

Your Customer Feedback is Gold. Mine it.

How many times have you been in a meeting and, in one form or another, gone back to the question: what do our customers really want? For a lot of businesses, this question is rhetorical — we think we know what our customers want, and so we tell them what we think they want to hear. But in the digital age, we don’t even have to ask anymore. Your customers are telling you what they want, and what they don’t want, all the time. If you track their conversions, movement through a site, returns, and even online feedback, you can see this data materialize. But this is a double-edged sword. Too much feedback can be overwhelming, or even outright confusing. Learning how to make the…