
BI for HR: Hire, train and retain with business intelligence insights

“Start with good people, lay out the rules, communicate with your employees, motivate and reward them. If you do all those things effectively, you can’t miss.” – Lee Iacocca   Gone are the days of overlooking human resources as a vital piece of the business success puzzle. Worker well-being, a blended workforce (AI, freelancers, contract workers), continued trainings, workplace experience, inclusivity — all trends that support the emergence of a people-first business world. At the end of the day, employees are a business’s most valued asset, and happy employees directly translate to happy customers and higher profits.  With growing HR initiatives, understanding the impact of data generated during employee life cycles is critical. And what we glean from that data can jumpstart company processes in…

Dyntell Bi - Tried and True Tips for Better Data Visualizations

Data Visualization

Tried and True Tips for Better Data Visualizations

Whether you’re a data analyst, manager, or team leader, pitching your ideas and newfound insights to upper management can be daunting. Will your message land? Will they be on board with your big discovery? Is your presentation impactful enough? Data rules the roost and using tools like business intelligence software to filter, analyze, and visualize complex data sets are now the norm. Crafting these visualizations into easily digestible, compelling, and convincing presentations is the real challenge. Audiences should be able to see and understand a slide or image within three seconds, otherwise, you’ve lost them. The Glance Test, as it’s called, is just one way to improve your data visualizations. Here are six more.   1. Keep it Simple. KISS (keep it simple, stupid, or…